Get a blood pressure test
A blood pressure test checks if your blood pressure is healthy, or if it's high or low.
Having this quick test could save your life.
On-site pharmacy
The on-site pharmacy can check your blood pressure free of charge.
They can provide advice and guidance about what your results are and what this means for you.
If you are identified as having high blood pressure you can:
have a 24 hour monitor fitted at the pharmacy, or
borrow a home blood pressure monitor to take home readings for a week
You should aim to get your blood pressure checked once every 5 years, if you haven't been diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Contact the surgery by phone
If you do not want to take your blood pressure using the machine, or if you’ve been asked to request an appointment, please contact the surgery.
Find out more
For more information, including what your results mean, see NHS advice on blood pressure tests.